Relays — general information and testing

General information

1. Several electrical circuits in the vehicle use relays to transmit the electrical signal to the component. Relays use a low-current cir­cuit (the control circuit) to open and close a high-current circuit (the power circuit). If the relay is defective, that component will not operate properly. Most relays are mounted in the engine compartment fuse/relay box, with some specialized relays located above the interior fuse box in the dash (see illustrations 3.1a and 3.1b). If a faulty relay is suspected, it can be removed and tested using the pro­cedure below or by a dealer service depart­ment or a repair shop. Defective relays must be replaced as a unit.


2. Most of the relays used in these vehicles are of a type often called «ISO» relays, which refers to the International Standards Organization. The terminals of ISO relays are numbered to indicate their usual circuit connections and functions. There are two basic layouts of terminals on the relays used in these vehicles (see illustrations).

5.2a Typical ISO relay designs, terminal numbering and circuit connections

Chevrolet Silverado Chassis electrical system _ Relays - general information and testing _ Typical ISO relay designs, terminal numbering and circuit connections

5.2b Most relays are marked on the outside to easily identify the control circuits and the power circuits (four-terminal type shown)

Chevrolet Silverado Chassis electrical system _ Relays - general information and testing _ Most relays are marked on the outside to easily identify the control circuits and the power circuits (four-terminal type shown)

3. Refer to the wiring diagram for the circuit to determine the proper connections for the relay you’re testing. If you can’t deter­mine the correct connection from the wir­ing diagrams, however, you may be able to determine the test connections from the information that follows.

4. Two of the terminals are the relay control circuit and connect to the relay coil. The other relay terminals are the power circuit. When the relay is energized, the coil creates a magnetic field that closes the larger con­tacts of the power circuit to provide power to the circuit loads.

5. Terminals 85 and 86 are normally the control circuit. If the relay contains a diode, terminal 86 must be connected to battery positive (B+) voltage and terminal 85 to ground. If the relay contains a resis­tor, terminals 85 and 86 can be connected in either direction with respect to B+ and ground.

6. Terminal 30 is normally connected to the battery voltage (B÷) source for the cir­cuit loads. Terminal 87 is connected to the circuit leading to the component being pow­ered. If the relay has several alternate ter­minals for load or ground connections, they usually are numbered 87A, 87B, 87C, and so on.

7. Use an ohmmeter to check continuity through the relay control coil.

a) Connect the meter according to the polar­ity shown in illustration 5.2a for one check; then reverse the ohmmeter leads and check continuity in the other direction.

b) If the relay contains a resistor, resis­tance will be indicated on the meter, and should be the same value with the ohm­meter in either direction.

c) If the relay contains a diode, resistance should be higher with the ohmmeter in the forward polarity direction than with the meter leads reversed.

d) If the ohmmeter shows infinite resistance in both directions, replace the relay.

8. Remove the relay from the vehicle and use the ohmmeter to check for continuity between the relay power circuit terminals. There should be no continuity between termi­nal 30 and 87 with the relay de-energized.

9. Connect a fused jumper wire to ter­minal 86 and the positive battery terminal. Connect another jumper wire between ter­minal 85 and ground. When the connections are made, the relay should click.

10. With the jumper wires connected, check for continuity between the power circuit termi­nals. Now, there should be continuity between terminals 30 and 87.

11. If the relay fails any of the above tests, replace it.

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