Alternator — removal and installation
1. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Battery — disconnection and reconnection).
2. Remove the air intake duct (see Air intake duct and air filter housing — removal and installation).
3. Remove the drivebelt (see Tune-up and routine maintenance).
4. On 6.0L models, remove the engine cover.
5. Peel back the weather boot from the B+ terminal, remove the nut and disconnect the battery cable from the alternator (see illustration 7.7a).
6. Disconnect the electrical connector from the alternator.
7. Remove the two alternator mounting bolts (see illustrations).
7.7a Alternator mounting details (V6 and non-6.0L V8 engines shown)
1 B+ terminal
2 Electrical connectors
3 Mounting bolts
7.7b To detach the alternator from 6.0L models, remove these two bolts
8. Remove the alternator.
9. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to tighten the alternator mounting bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.