Starter motor — removal and installation

Note: The photos accompanying this section depict the starter motor assembly on a

V8 model, but the starter motor used on V6 models is in the same location and is similar to what is shown here.

1. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Battery — disconnection and reconnection).

2. On 6.0L models, loosen the wheel lug nuts for the right front wheel. On all models, raise the front of the vehicle and place it securely on jack stands. On 6.0L models, remove the right front wheel.

3. Remove any skid plates, if equipped, to allow access to the starter.

4. On non-6.0L models with 4WD, remove the right front differential carrier bracket under the starter, if equipped.

5. On 6.0L models, remove the right front wheel well splash shield (see Body).

6. On all models, remove the starter motor heat shield, if equipped (see illustration).

8.6 To remove the heat shield (if equipped) from the starter motor, simply pull it off (6.0L model shown, others similar)

Chevrolet Silverado Engine electrical systems _ To remove the heat shield (if equipped) from the starter motor, simply pull it off (6.0L model shown, others similar)

7. Disconnect the battery cable (the larger cable) and the starter control cable (the smaller cable) from the starter motor solenoid terminals (see illustration).

8.7 Remove the smaller nut (A) and disconnect the cable from the starter solenoid terminal, then remove the larger nut (B) and disconnect the battery cable from the starter

Chevrolet Silverado Engine electrical systems _ Remove the smaller nut (A) and disconnect the cable from the starter solenoid terminal, then remove the larger nut (B) and disconnect the battery cable from the starter

Note: If you’re unable to remove the nuts that secure the starter cable and starter control cable nuts with the starter bolted in place (particularly on 6.01_ models), skip this step for now, then remove the nuts and disconnect the two electrical cables after the starter have been support the starter; don’t allow the starter to hang by the cables!)

8. On 6.0L models, remove the transmission cover bolt (see illustration).

8.8 On 6.0L engines, remove the transmission cover bolt (1). On all engines, remove these two bolts (2) to remove the starter

Chevrolet Silverado Engine electrical systems _ On 6.0L engines, remove the transmission cover bolt (1). On all engines, remove these two bolts (2) to remove the starter

9. On all models, remove the starter motor mounting bolts and remove the starter motor.

10. You can remove the starter motor from unbolted (but be sure to underneath the vehicle on non-6.0L models. On 6.0L models, remove the starter motor through the right wheel well opening.

11. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to tighten the starter motor mounting bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

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