Tie-rod ends — removal and installation
1. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle and place it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel.
2. Loosen the tie-rod end locknut and mark the position of the tie-rod end on the threaded portion of the tie-rod (see illustrations).
19.2a Loosen the tie-rod end locknut
19.2b … then mark the position of the tie-rod end on the threaded portion of the tie-rod
3. Loosen the tie-rod end-to-steering knuckle nut about 1/4 inch from the tie-rod end ball joint stud, then install a ball joint separator or puller and separate the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle (see illustration). Remove the nut and detach the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle arm.
19.3 Loosen (but don’t remove) the castle nut from the tie-rod end ball stud, then install a ball joint separator or puller and separate the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle
4. Unscrew the old tie-rod end and install the new one. Count each turn of the tie-rod end as you remove it. Reinstall the replacement tie-rod end to the exact number of turns. Which should line up with the mark you made on the threads of the tie-rod.
5. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to tighten the tie-rod end locknut securely and the tie-rod ball stud nut to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
6. Tighten the lug nuts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
7. Have the front-end alignment checked and, if necessary, adjusted.